The INGO Diplomats International has no political affiliations – it is committed to supporting human rights and promoting understanding between nations and cultures. These objectives were pursued during talks in Cyprus on January 21, 2013 to which DMW was invited as a mediator.
The talks between the Prime Minister of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus Irsen Kücük and the Chairman of the INGO DMW Günther Meinel were held to discuss ways of resolving the conflict between Northern and Southern Cyprus. Concrete measures were agreed upon which the INGO Diplomats International will implement.
These measures do not involve political intervention, but the protection of human rights on all sides.
For example, the NEAR EAST University in the Turkish part of Cyprus is not included in the Bologna Process; this leads to considerable disadvantages for its students and is a very real burden. The "Council of Europe" and "European Region of Unesco" have agreed the convention on the recognition of higher education in the European Region and an agreement covering the recognition of courses of study, qualifications and grades in higher education in the states of the European Region. Graduates of the NEAR EAST University in the Turkish part of Cyprus are excluded from this agreement. DMW will be seeking clarification of this inconsistency from the "Council of Europe" and the "European Region of Unesco".
The teaching staff at the university includes professors from the USA, England and Europe who teach to a European standard of education, including the law school. This is a human rights problem that needs urgent attention. The ban on tourist charter flights is also inhibiting the economic development of Northern Cyprus.
The delegation also included: l. Prof. Tümer Garip and Dr. Irfan S. Günel (right) and Dr. Erhan Ercin (second from right) Director of EU Coordination Center
The INGO which was asked to come to Cyprus urgently is in a position to make a valuable contribution based on experience from other situations in order to establish a broader basis for all existing activities.
The aim of this initiative is
- To revive existing initiatives involving cooperation between Turkish and Greek Cypriots and involve new groups in these activities
- To create dialogue between parties, mass organizations and media who have previously rejected inter-municipal dialogue.
- To create a basis for new initiatives to solve the conflict in Cyprus by broadening the participation of society as a whole in dialogue. See concept for Conflict resolution.
The press and television media reported on the visit and the content of the talks that took place. It was a chance to revitalize basic civil rights and the fight against injustice based on a strong judiciary!
The NEAR EAST University is one of the most modern in Europe. With 21,000 students from 16 countries, it meets the international standards required of higher education.
The University Hospital with a capacity of 500 beds is a specialist center for cardiology and oncology. The hospital is equipped with the latest high-performance technology. The Dental Clinic provides dental care for its patients in a cutting-edge environment.
With 1.5 million books and global electronic networking, the university library offers a wide range of up-to-date educational material.
The hospital's experienced and highly qualified personnel from 6 different countries provides medical care of the highest quality. Oncological ailments are treated with a high degree of success.
At the present time, the library, hospital, dental clinic and administration are located on campus beside the university. Additional facilities and research centers will be added over the next two years.
An agreement on the exchange of scientific data was reached with the university.