The philosophy of the DMW
The INGO Diplomats International is committed to the prevention of conflict and crises. It is a non-partisan and independent organization. Its authority has given the organization respect and recognition worldwide. For the past 35 years, the INGO DMW has pursued the vision of a peaceful, united Europe with its partner organizations such as the EWI, for example For peaceful cooperation for the benefit of citizens.
The INGO DMW promotes Europe-wide cooperation at the interfaces of society, economy, environment and religion, bringing together different areas of expertise, groups of people, experience and knowledge. The DMW thus operates across different disciplines and national boundaries between old, new and future EU members states, including Turkey.
The objective of the INGO DMW is to promote dialog and exchange between people, cultures, religions, sciences and the working environment. Our members participate in international, social projects that contribute to greater security for citizens and peaceful coexistence between cultures. We offer our partners practical organizational support, the development of concepts, the concrete implementation of projects, scientific and knowledge-based services. This practical cooperation focuses on the areas of teaching, research, discussion forums, conferences, knowledge transfer, publications and the implementation of support programs. The INGO DMW organizes the exchange of specialists and managers between European countries, thus creating jobs. We arbitrate in contentious disputes and negotiate with both sides.
The INGO DMW develops and facilitates the execution of humanitarian projects for the setting up of schools and vocational training centers. Companies, organizations and institutions always operate in a social context, under the eyes of the public, in the gaze of interest representatives, against the backdrop of capital markets and political conditions. In the course of globalization, deregulation and digital networking, they are also increasingly in the focus of an international public with certain expectations. The more complex political and economic relations are, the more critical the public. They expect companies, organizations and institutions to recognize and accept their social responsibility.
Networking through expertise
Through expertise and Europe-wide networking with international organizations, institutions, political and economic elites as well as embassies and national ministries, INGO DMW is in a position to guarantee effective support and leadership. At the same time, people are faced with an ever-increasing information overload as well as the development of new sources of competition. Permanent change often appears to be the only constant – not only for companies, but also for institutions and organizations. With understanding comes the strategic task of creating and preserving identity, providing direction and conveying credibility. The requirements in this case are a unique profile, specific core values and consistent behavior.
The INGO DMW supports companies, organizations and institutions with its comprehensive service offering for the development and implementation of strategic communications solutions, in particular for dialog with employees, interest representatives, politicians and the broader public. We place great importance on a constant process of analysis, design and implementation with a view to developing solutions that work every time. How is the DMW financed? Sponsors who are passionate champions of peace and democracy support the DMW through donations. The DMW receives no state subsidies and no taxpayers' money. Newly developed technologies that advance citizens and society are financed by members of the DMW – business angels – through their own funds. Members include career diplomats, scientists and the economic elite.
The DMW is an international non-governmental organization (INGO), registered with the United Nations and at the transparency register of the European Union. The INGO DMW is politically neutral and non-denominational.
Honorary membership of the INGO DMW is awarded by the DMW board to individuals who have demonstrated outstanding service and commitment to the cause of integration, understanding and cooperation among people in Europe.
Every year, the INGO DMW awards the "Price of Union" prize, which is funded by sponsors, for outstanding service in the area of peaceful dialog between peoples.